The Natural Pedicure – DIY Diva

A woman's feet soaking spa pedicure treatment with rose petals.

I write this in mid-winter, at a time when my feet have been bundled up in socks for months. In under two weeks I am going to be wearing sandals, as I am off to travel to the warm Far East. It was with a bit of a shock that I saw the way my feet looked the other day while shopping for summer wear. Time for a pedicure!

You don’t need to be worried about how your feet look wearing sandals to give yourself a pedicure. Any excuse at all is good. A natural, home pedicure is a great experience, and I am convinced that it is the best pedicure. You can soak and re-soak your feet as long and as many times as you want, and choose the purest and healthiest products that are just perfect for you.

I’ve just given myself the following natural pedicure while thinking about writing this blog. My feet feel young, fresh, rejuvenated, and vibrant. If only I could remember to do this once a month!

Accessories Needed

Essential oil such as lavender, ginger, rosemary, orange flower oil (or your choice)
Soap infused with pure essential oil, liquid or bar
Sea salt (optional)
Toenail clippers
Pumice stone or pumice stone sand stick–or–loofah skin scrub
Oil for a foot rub (avocado is ideal, but use what you have on hand, such as olive, if in a pinch)

1. Footbath/Soak to soften skin and nails
Fill a tub with very warm water, and add 10 drops of an antibacterial essential oil. Rinse feet before submerging. Soak feet for 15 minutes or more.

2. Wash feet
Using a liquid castile soap with essential oils such as Dr. Bronner’s Peppermint Oil (or by adding a few drops of essential oil of choice to a liquid soap) scrub your feet and rinse well. Alternatively, use a bar soap with or without pure essential oils.

3. Cut toenails
Cut toenails using a toenail clipper, making sure to remove embedded dirt as you go.

4. Exfoliate
Scrub tough, dead skin cells off of your your now-soft feet with a pumice stone or loofah.

5. Oil rub and cuticle care
Pour a teaspoon or less of oil onto your cupped palm and massage into your feet. Massage into toenails.

6. Buff nails
Naturally buffed nails look shiny and lovely. Use a pumice stone sand stick and smoothing files.

By Annie B. Bond, best-selling and award-winning author of five green living books, thousands of blogs,  and all the tips in the Greenify Everything app. Called “The Godmother of Green” by Martha Stewart Sirius Radio.

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By Annie B. Bond, best-selling and award-winning author of five green living books, thousands of blogs, and all the tips in the Greenify Everything App. Called "The Godmother of Green" by Martha Stewart Sirius Radio, she has been named the foremost expert on green living.


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