Super Natural Home


Beth Greer–aka Super Natural Mom–has written a gem of a book called Super Natural Home. It is comprehensive, as well as empowering. It explores the latest research into toxics, and what can be done about them in your home and life. Perhaps the reason I like it so much is due to her succinct presentation of the new research. There’s no slogging through pages about plastics to find out what you need to do, but rather a quick chart or text call-out that shows you what you need to know.

Here is a sample recipe from the book (and you can see that she gives pure product recommendations):

Sun Skin Spray
4 ounces distilled water (or 4 ounces George’s Aloe Juice, or 4 ounces Home Health Rose Water)
1 level teaspoon ascorbic acid powder
(Optional: add a few drops of lavender essential oil)

Put in 4-ounce spray bottle. Shake and use one or two times a day before sunning. Put makeup or other creams or lotions over the top. Always respray when you have finished sunning.

Find out more about this book and Greer’s site at

By Annie B. Bond, best-selling and award-winning author of five green living books, thousands of blogs,  and all the tips in the Greenify Everything app. Called “The Godmother of Green” by Martha Stewart Sirius Radio.