The essential oil from organic rose petals is very astringent, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial. Combine that with the aromatherapy of love and trust, using roses for the skin is a match made in heaven. (No wonder it was called “the queen of flowers” by the Greek poet Sappho, according to my favorite Aromatherapy book, Aromatherapy for Healing the Spirit.)
To make your own rose water astringent, start with a handful of organic red rose petals (dried or fresh) and 1 quart of boiling water.
1. Put the rose petals in a quart mason jar.
2. Cover with boiling water.
3. Let set overnight.
4. Strain and store in a clean masson jar.
5. Dip a washcloth into the water and use to wash your face and body.
6. Rinse.
Eco-Lose: Synthetic rose water, e.g. rose water made from chemicals; homemade rose water made with roses that have been sprayed with pesticides.
Reality Check: If you grown organic roses, this formula is free. Otherwise, dried organic rose petals are readily available in health food stores and herbalist supply stores. A pound of dried organic rose petals is about $12, enough to make a dozen or so batches of this formula, resulting in a cost of about $1 a quart.
Tip: Refrigerate, and discard after about 8 days
By Annie B. Bond, best-selling and award-winning author of five green living books, thousands of blogs, and all the tips in the Greenify Everything app. Called “The Godmother of Green” by Martha Stewart Sirius Radio.
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