Here is a good exercise to help you feel chi, prana. Over time you will identify the feel of good chi, or the green chi versus the negative energy of something like pesticides.
Go outside or otherwise find a stone that you are drawn to. This stone can be a rock in the road or it can be a large crystal, it doesn’t matter. Pick it up, go somewhere quiet, settle down, and take a few quieting breaths. Hold the stone in your hand or hands, and drink in the energy that the stone is giving off and tune into it. Stay with tuning into the feeling for as long as it takes for you to sense it. As you allow your experience of the stone’s energy to wash over you, try to identify the feeling of the energy. Is it expansive? Dense? And what is the feeling of the vibration of the stone? Clear? Bright? Cheery?
Try this exercise with a number of different stones and you can start to differentiate their individuality!
– Annie
By Annie B. Bond, best-selling and award-winning author of five green living books, thousands of blogs, and all the tips in the Greenify Everything app.