Annie and the App
Greenify Everything app is a survival guide by Annie Bond (aka Berthold-Bond), for eco-conscious living in the modern world. It is the coveted household recipe book that reveals to you the time-held secrets to living a healthy, toxin-free life. Read about the app here; the app is available at the Google Play Store and at The App Store.
Annie B. Bond
Annie B. Bond (aka Berthold-Bond) has lived a modern day “hero’s journey”—through tragedy and trial to courage, revelation, and renewal. Known as the “Godmother of Green,” Annie is the author of five award-winning, best-selling books on healthy living, and numerous newsletters, blogs, and articles in outlets such as Martha Stewart Living and The Huffington Post. Over the last two decades, her solutions have helped millions of people to care for themselves and the planet—simply, naturally, and effectively. Here’s how it began:
In 1980, at the age of 27, Annie was sickened by a gas leak and two pesticide poisonings, resulting in seriously debilitating symptoms, which were initially misdiagnosed. After a dark and difficult time, Annie was eventually diagnosed with Classic Organophosphate Pesticide Poisoning and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. Her central nervous system had been permanently damaged. Her body was now a barometer, sensitive to even the subtlest of changes in her environment. The air she breathed, the food she ate, and the water she drank were toxic to her. She and her then-husband moved numerous times, searching for an environmentally friendly place where she could heal herself.
As a young girl growing up in New Hampshire, Annie’s health and wellbeing were deeply rooted in the fields, streams, hills, and woods. She knew her great-grandparents had used folk remedies and natural cures for almost everything that ailed them or their neighbors. That was a tradition of folk medicine, people helping each other. They drank herbal tinctures to ward off common colds, wrapped themselves in natural fibers to warm themselves on winter nights, rid pests from their houses and gardens with oils, herbs, roots and spices, and cleaned with baking soda, apple cider vinegar, and lemons. And that wisdom was shared freely and passed down from generation to generation.
Inspired by her ancestors, Annie embarked upon years of research and experimentation. She found solace and answers in natural remedies, and as she regained her strength, she realized her ordeal had given her valuable lessons which she could now share with others, about the healing powers of nature. Annie regained her health and eventually bore a child. Her wonderful daughter Lily, now 25 and thriving as a singer and writer, was raised in a clean and green home, and has followed the green lifestyle to this day, observing that “Even though I tried living with ‘normal’ consumer products, I could not get past how bad I knew these chemicals were for me, and I just couldn’t do it.”
Although it was rarely diagnosed at the time of Annie’s exposure, chemical sensitivity is now more widely recognized: It is estimated that roughly 74 million people in the United States have some form of chemical sensitivity. Chronic, unexplained physical symptoms such as headaches, joint pain, digestive issues, skin irritations, sleep disruption, fatigue, mood swings, and anxiety, are also widespread problems. “Sick and tired” seems to be a way of life for many.
Annie has been sharing her hard-won wisdom for decades. Labeled the “foremost expert on living green” by Body and Soul magazine, Annie’s “Ask Annie B” column has reached millions of people searching for natural solutions to a wide range of health and wellness concerns. Over the years, she has partnered with Meryl Streep, Wendy Gordon, and Deepak Chopra, among others, to spread her healing message. Her first book, Clean and Green, published by Ceres Press in 1990, was a landmark bestseller. Other bestselling books ensued: The Green Kitchen Handbook, Better Basics for the Home, and Home Enlightenment. Annie’s most recent book, True Food, co-authored by Wendy Gordon and Melissa Beyer, won the 2010 Gourmand Award for Best Health and Nutrition Book in the World.
Annie’s latest project is the Greenify Everything app and site, where Annie distills her four decades of experience in nontoxic, green living, and shares her hard-earned wisdom—the gift of green, and everything she has found to be true.
Annie’s Published Books

the World