Outwit Dust Mites


Cat protects dream of childDust mites thrive on sloughed-off human and animal skin. Given that 70 percent of dust is human skin (now that is hard to believe, but humans shed 10 pounds of skin a year), they thrive around people. They also thrive and decline because of environmental factors, and these are worth knowing about, especially if you have a family member who suffers from asthma, as 80 percent of children and young adults with asthma are sensitive to dust mites.

Where do Dust Mites Flourish?
1. Temperatures of 68-84F
2. Places with human and pet skin cells (as in naturally sloughed off, we’re not talking morgues)
3. Humidity levels of 75-80 percent
4. Bedding, because there is lots of dead human skin for food
5. Polyester and other synthetic bedding, because it doesn’t breathe and traps moisture
6. Protein-based textiles, such as furs and feathers (again, lots of food for dust mites)

What Kills Dust Mites?
1. Direct sunlight
2. Humidity below 40 to 50 percent
3. Water temperature above 130 F or higher
4. Freezing them (put that stuffed animal in the freezer for a few days)
5. Steam-cleaning carpets
6. Vapor steam-cleaning

What Repels Dust Mites?
1. The natural lanolin in wool
2. The acid in vinegar
3. Laundering frequently

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By Annie B. Bond, best-selling and award-winning author of five green living books, thousands of blogs, and all the tips in the Greenify Everything App. Called "The Godmother of Green" by Martha Stewart Sirius Radio, she has been named the foremost expert on green living.


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