Miraculous Moroccan Hair Oil – DIY Diva


haircomb2I always love an exotic hair beauty formula, so I began to look around on the Internet, sure that I could find a green, do-it-yourself (DIY) version of Moroccan oil if I looked hard enough.

Sure enough, I began to hone in on information about Moroccan oil for hair, and to understand its fame. Better yet, I found a quick substitute that some of you may even have in your home; I did.

The reason Moroccan oil is considered so miraculous as a hair treatment is that it deeply moisturizes dry hair without making the hair greasy. At the same time it gives the hair a stunning shine, reduces frizz, and gives elasticity. Generic Moroccan oil is also known as Argan oil from the nuts of a tree native to Morocco. The oil is exceptionally rich in vitamin E, essential fatty acids Omega 3 and 6, squalene, cartontenes, and more. It is used medicinally as well as for cosmetic and personal care purposes. The oil is reported to help treat Psoriasis.

Argan oil is considered to be similar to Emu oil, and also jojoba. Emu oil is derived from a bird. Jojoba is a liquid wax derived from a shrub. Jojoba is easily available (indeed, I have some), and this research into Moroccan oil has taught me attributes about it that I did not know. Pure Argan oil is available in the U.S. from women cooperatives.

How to use? While your hair is still wet after washing, dab some on your hands, rub them together and then through your hair. Dry as usual. What  a wonderful hair conditioner.

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By Annie B. Bond, best-selling and award-winning author of five green living books, thousands of blogs, and all the tips in the Greenify Everything App. Called "The Godmother of Green" by Martha Stewart Sirius Radio, she has been named the foremost expert on green living.


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  2. Today hair fall is a big problem before us.There should be proper care and knowledge.The above trick is nice one.I will share it to my Facebook friends.
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  3. Today hair fall is a big problem before us.There should be proper care and knowledge.The above trick is nice one.I will share it to my Facebook friends.
    Thanks For This Blog.

  4. Today hair fall is a big problem before us.There should be proper care and knowledge.The above trick is nice one.I will share it to my Facebook friends.
    Thanks For This Blog.

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