101Cookbooks Site for Natural Recipes


bittersweet_chocolate_tart_recipe_09“Think about how your cooking could change if you eliminated all-purpose white flour, white sugar, and other highly processed ingredients.” — Heidi Swanson

Heidi Swanson pulls recipes from vintage and out-of-print cookbooks for her blog, www.101cookbooks.com. (Her current blog is about how to make a glorious Bittersweet chocolate Tart, pictured.) Sometimes she builds off a recipe she finds. Other times she chooses recipes that intersect with events in her life, her travels, and her everyday interests. Ideas might come from her cookbook collection, or they might come from a friend or a family member–and, now and then, she will just up and create a new recipe from scratch.

Heidi is located in San Francisco, California, and besides blogging on her sites www.101cookbooks.com and www.mightyfoods.com, she is the author of Super Natural Cooking.