Adapted from Incense, Rituals, Mystery, and Lore, by Gina Hyams (Chronicle Books, 2004).
Sweet Dreams, Egyptian Style
The most sacred of the ancient Egyptian incenses was called Kyphi, or “Welcome to the Gods.” High priests concocted Kyphi during secret, chant-filled temple ceremonies. The incense was said to consist of “things that delight in the night.” Green historian Plutarch (A.D. 46-120) wrote that smelling Kyphi was like “listening to beautiful music.” He also described it as having the power to “rock a person to sleep, brighten dreams, and chase away the troubles of the day.”
A great many recipes for making Kyphi exist. The following is an intoxicating yet easy-to-make version.
Kyphi Incense
4 raisins
1/2 teaspoon frankincense
1 tablespoon red wine
1/2 teaspoon benzoin
1 teaspoon sandalwood
1/4 teaspoon myrrh
1/4 teaspoon juniper berries
1/4 teaspoon dragon’s blood
1/4 teaspoon orris root
1/2 teaspoon honey
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
Soak the raisins in the red wine overnight.
Using a mortar and pestle, individually grind the sandalwood, juniper berries, orris root, and cinnamon. In a large wooden or ceramic bowl, mix the dry ingredients together.
Using a mortar and pestle, individually pulverize the frankincense, benzoin, myrrh, and dragon’s blood into small granules. Add the resins and gums to the powder mixture.
Drain the red wine from the raisins and mash the raisins with the mortar and pestle. Add the raisins and honey to the dough. Knead thoroughly with your hands, then form the dough into pea-sized balls. Spread the balls out on wax paper and store them indoors away from direct sunlight and moisture. Turn the balls daily for one to two weeks, depending on the climate. Once they are dry, store your Kyphi balls in a sealed plastic bag or glass jar. Smolder the incense balls one or two at a time over charcoal.
Adapted from Incense, Rituals, Mystery, and Lore, by Gina Hyams (Chronicle Books, 2004).
By Annie B. Bond, best-selling and award-winning author of five green living, thousands of blogs, and all the tips in the Greenify Everything app. Called “The Godmother of Green” by Martha Stewart Sirius Radio.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Sherry Rae Schulz . Sherry Rae Schulz said: Reading: "Kyphi Incense Recipe | Green Chi Cafe" ( http://bit.ly/9k3yUl ) […]
Incense can save you a bundle on utility bill for one reason and one reason only. You can see and smell most incense smoke. If yours isn’t kicking these two elements out, you are going to the wrong yogi! So, how does this help cut your utility bill?
Drafts are terrible things. No, I am not talking about the military. I am talking about your home. When heating or cooling your home, drafts are the single biggest reason your utility bill explodes. By definition, you are trying to make the climate in the house differ from the temperature outside. If you have leaks in the shell of your home, the amazing concept of physics is going to cost you a bundle.
Now I simply must try making this incense. If nothing else, the patience it takes to create this recipe should be interesting.
Incense can brighten your day in a moments time… but if not used with care it can easily put a big damper on any occasion….
The picture reminds of my ancient times when i use to study history in my small class.
These recipes for herbal crafts are great to make for your own enjoyment or to give as personalized and low-cost gifts! Nice blog
Thanks for giving us the recipe.
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